Authors Guidelines
- Authors must submit manuscripts electronically through the online journal management system.
- To streamline the review and production process, authors should carefully follow the provided guidelines.
- All submissions must be written in clear and concise English.
- Authors must ensure that their submission accompany a cover letter indicating that manuscript is an original work, has not been previously published in whole or in part, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. It must also confirm that all authors have reviewed the final manuscript, approved its submission to the journal, and accepted full responsibility for its content and submission.
- Any ethical, copyright, or disclosure issues associated with the manuscript should be disclosed in the cover letter.
- Finally, the cover letter should include a commitment from the authors to pay the article processing charge (APC), if applicable.
Authors need to strictly adhere the authors guideline template
Article processing charge (APC)
Being an Open Access Journal, Article processing charges (APC) will be 15000 for Student/Professional Authors and 150 USD for international authors, charged from the authors after acceptance of manuscript.